Tag: programming

  • Deploying an app on AWS ECS with CDK(Wed, Feb 15, 2023)
    How to deploy an application on AWS ECS with load-balancing and auto-scaling using CDK by writing the CDK code in TypeScript
  • Testing Redux Connected React Components Using Jest(Mon, Apr 27, 2020)
    Testing React components connected to a Redux store using Jest and React Testing Library.
  • Running a Nuget Feed on S3 with Automated Deployments(Sat, Nov 2, 2019)
    There are many ways of creating a Nuget feed. but did you know that you can run a Nuget feed on S3 without any computing infrastructure? In this post, I will show you how you can create a Nuget feed on S3 using Sleet and automate the deployment process for packages.
  • Deploying a Website on S3 With SSL, Continuous Integration(Mon, Aug 5, 2019)
    In this post, I am creating a website and host it on S3 and setup a continuous integration pipeline setup using Gitlab
  • Creating a Re-Usable Presto Worker Image in EC2(Thu, Jul 25, 2019)
    Creating a machine image that can be used to spin up presto worker instances without configuring each one. this could be helpful when you don't want to use any orchestration tool
  • React Form Validation Using Custom Hooks(Mon, Jun 24, 2019)
    Form validation in react is bit tricky. This is an attempt to make it bit easy by using react hooks. here we write few custom hooks to create a re-usable validation logic that can be used in any form.
  • Running FFmpeg in AWS Lambda using NodeJS(Thu, Feb 21, 2019)
    When you have a requirement to do something on video/ audio files, the tool of choice would be FFmpeg which is free and open source. In this post I go through a way you can setup FFmpeg in AWS Lambda.
  • One Method, Different Implementations(Sat, Aug 4, 2018)
    We can set Func<>s as properties, so people can call them just like methods, and we can change the function from the constructor according to the user's needs. in this example, I am creating a class which has few methods to download data, the user of the class can decide whether they should cache the results or not
  • A Service Gateway Using NodeJS(Thu, Mar 15, 2018)
    In this post I am writing a simple and minimal service gateway using JavaScript and NodeJS which can handle authentication , authorization.
  • Genie - An Efficient Way to Access Data(Thu, Mar 15, 2018)
    Almost all the time we need a database to run our apps. most of the time, these databases are relational databases. as everyone knows we must use SQL to access these databases. writing an SQL query for every database call is a pain and no one does that these days. instead, we use something called ORMs (Object Relational Mappers). we can use an ORM to access databases without writing SQL or worrying about mapping relations to objects. there are a lot of ORM implementations for every popular language.
  • Service Helper — Seamlessly Send Request in Angular(Thu, Mar 15, 2018)
    When using Angular 2+ to build web stuff , we use services to get data from our back-end services. usually most of these service calls are HTTP requests. Angular provides the Http class to send HTTP request, this has built on the Observable API. When we send a request, it returns an Observable which can be used to use the response returned by the server.
